Suggested Schedules for Biblical Eschatology



Biblical Eschatology contains 18 hours of video instruction. There are 10 Modules with 37 instructional videos, with an average video length of 28 minutes.

Feel free to craft your own meeting dates and time slots based on your specific, unique needs. Start, stop, and pick up again as best suits you.

If you are looking for scheduling options, consider the following options: 


1.  Schedules based on a desired number of meetings:


3 meetings, 6 hours of video

6 meetings, 3 hours of video

9 meetings, 2 hours of video

15 meetings, 1.2 hours of video


2.  7-WEEK PROGRAM: Meet for 2-3 hours once a week for 7 weeks


WEEK 1 (little over 3 hours)

Welcome to Biblical Eschatology (6 minutes)

Module 1: Introductory Eschatology Issues (about 2 hours)

Module 2: Israel and the Church in Eschatology (about 1 hour)


WEEK 2. (about 2 hours)

Module 3: Personal Eschatology (about 2 hours)


WEEK 3 (about 2.5 hours)

Module 4: Seventieth Week of Daniel / Day of the Lord (about 2.5 hours)


WEEK 4 (almost 2 hours)

Module 5: The Rapture (1 hour 40 minutes)


WEEK 5 (about 2.5 hours)

Module 6: The Olivet Discourse and The Second Coming (2.5 hours)


WEEK 6 (about 3 hours)

Module 7: The Millennial Kingdom (about 1 hour)

Module 8: Millennial Views Explained and Compared (2 hours)


WEEK 7 (a little under 3 hours)

Module 9: Resurrections and Judgments (1 hour 20 minutes)

Module 10: The Eternal Kingdom (1 hour 20 minutes)

Goodbye and Thank you (3 minutes)


3.  10-WEEK PROGRAM: Meet for 1 to 2.5 hours once a week for 10 weeks 


WEEK 1 (about 2 hours)

Welcome to Biblical Eschatology (6 minutes)

Module 1: Introductory Eschatology Issues (about 2 hours)


WEEK 2 (about 1 hour)

Module 2: Israel and the Church in Eschatology (about 1 hour)


WEEK 3 (about 2 hours)

Module 3: Personal Eschatology (about 2 hours)


WEEK 4 (about 2.5 hours)

Module 4: Seventieth Week of Daniel / Day of the Lord (about 2.5 hours)


WEEK 5 (about 1 hour 40 minutes)

Module 5: The Rapture (1 hour 40 minutes)


WEEK 6 (about 2.5 hours)

Module 6: The Olivet Discourse and The Second Coming (2.5 hours)


WEEK 7 (about 1 hour)

Module 7: The Millennial Kingdom (about 1 hour)


WEEK 8 (about 2 hours)

Module 8: Millennial Views Explained and Compared (2 hours)


WEEK 9 (about 1.5 hours)

Module 9: Resurrections and Judgments (1 hour 20 minutes)


WEEK 10 (about 1.5 hours)

Module 10: The Eternal Kingdom (1 hour 20 minutes)

Goodbye and Thank you (3 minutes)


4.  Five Schedules for small groups, Bible studies, home school groups, and others that meet once a week for 6-10 weeks for about an hour. (The suggested content for each week allows for 30 minutes of video watching followed by 30 minutes of answering discussion questions.) 


A.  Introductory Issues with Eschatology and Personal Eschatology


WEEK 1:  Welcome to Biblical Eschatology (6 mins) and Eschatology Explained (28:50)


WEEK 2:  Bible Interpretation and Eschatology (16:03)


WEEK 3:  Jesus and Eschatology (15:20)


WEEK 4:  Futurism and the Timing of Bible Prophecy Fulfillment (26:20)


WEEK 5:  Survey of Coming Prophetic Events (29:41)


WEEK 6:  Death: An Eschatological Perspective (16:30)


WEEK 7:  The Intermediate State (31:11)


WEEK 8:  Heaven and the New Earth (22:53)


WEEK 9:  Sheol and Hades (22:50)


WEEK 10: Hell (33:37)


240 minutes; Average time per video: 24 minutes


B.  The Rapture, Israel, and the Church in Bible Prophecy


WEEK 1:  The Rapture Explained (18:51)


WEEK 2:  4 Rapture Views (22:11)


WEEK 3:  A Case for a Pretribulational Rapture (29:51)


WEEK 4:  Answering Objections to the Pretribulational Rapture View (29:55)   


WEEK 5:  Israel’s Place in Eschatology (41:01)


WEEK 6:  The Church’s Place in Eschatology (25:51)        


168 minutes;  28 minutes average time per video


C.  Tribulation, Day of the Lord, and the Second Coming of Jesus


WEEK 1:  Seventy Weeks of Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27) (42:06)


WEEK 2:  Day of the Lord (46:56)


WEEK 3:  The Antichrist (56:03)            


WEEK 4:  Introduction to the Olivet Discourse (15:26)


WEEK 5:  Signs of Jesus’ Coming in Matt 24:4-31 (33:17)


WEEK 6:  Readiness for Jesus’ Coming: Matt 24 and 25 (26:38)


WEEK 7:  Luke 21 and the Destruction of Jerusalem (33:06)


WEEK 8:  The Second Coming of Jesus to Earth (49:05)             


302 minutes; 38 minutes average per video


D.  The Millennium and Millennial Views Explained


WEEK 1:  The Millennial Kingdom Explained (31:38)


WEEK 2:  Premillennialism Explained (19:27)          (100)


WEEK 3:  The 3 Forms of Premillennialism Explained (17:02)


WEEK 4:  Amillennialism Explained (20:31)


WEEK 5:  Postmillennialism Explained (16:55)


WEEK 6:  A Case and Rationale for Premillennialism (49:14)


WEEK 7:  The 3 Millennial Views Compared Side-by-Side (27:10)   


182 minutes: average time per video: 26 minutes         


E.  Resurrections, Judgments, and the Eternal Kingdom


WEEK 1:  The Resurrection Program (26:05)


WEEK 2:  The Judgment Program (31:35)


WEEK 3:  Tartarus and the Abyss (24:24)            


WEEK 4:  Satan’s Final Revolt and Great White Throne Judgment (15:38)


WEEK 5:  The Eternal State (Part 1) (32:22)


WEEK 6:  The Eternal State (Part 2) (36:22)  and Goodbye and Thank You (5 mins)   


166 minutes; 28 minutes average per video